becoming unstuck in relationships Posts

Be a Partner with Options for Your Relationship

Sometimes when couples are stuck, they are reviewing their situations over and over without letting in any new thinking. This really limits their options and creates a painful thinking loop that restricts creative problem solving.

Begin to have a mindset that looks for options in your relationship. Have the discipline of asking yourself to think diferently about your issues. Ask yourself, Is this thought about my situation the same as my thoughts before, or am I thinking something new, something different about our problem together? Having options helps us to make creative solutions in our relationships. The more options we have, the more likely we will be able to find new paths to go down that we have never thought to go before. Sometimes this journey of options needs to be done alone in the couple relationship, but most often it becomes more synergistic to do it together as a couple.

What do we do when we seem to be in the loop of thinking that keeps us stuck? Recognize where you are and commit to think differently. Sometimes our good friendships can offer a new way of looking at our challenge that we cannot see. Ask them. Or find a couple whose relationship has stood the test of time and they continue to  have a positive view of relationships. Another idea is to find books on the subject – they too can be helpful to give us the spark that we need to think differently.

Commit today to put away your repetitive negative thinking and begin to generate positive options for your situation. Go forth and be Wonderful!