What Will Your Legacy Say About You?

Remember the story of Scrooge in “A Christmas Carol”? For a brief time, he was able to see the end of his life and see the consequences of his living. And then he miraculously was able to come back to his present and make changes in his today, in order to make the ending of his life what he wanted it to be. Although we may not be able to do that, it is important for us to consider what we want to have done in our lives and who we want to have been at the end of our lives. How we live in those small daily increments makes the ending happen one way or another. Doing this exercise helps to provide a compass point to where we are going at all times. This is not only important to do as individuals but also as a couple.  As a couple, it is good to look at who you want to have been at the end of your lives. Some possible questions to tease out 2 or 3 words that might represent your words to live by might be the following. What do you want to be able to say about how you were with each other? What do you want to say about how well you loved each other? What do you want to say about how you treated others that you connected with as a couple? How were you with your family? How did you honour your differences? What do you want to say about your legacy or your service to others as a couple? What do you want to say about how you lived each day? Take some couple time to choose 2 or 3 words that represent how you will live your life together this year. If your words are different, find a way to incorporate both because as you know, through synergy, you are better together then apart. Put your words in a prominent place and commit to looking at them daily and checking in with each other. It is the way to transform your life as Scrooge did. Go forth and be wonderful!

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