New Traditions Can Create New Levels of Happiness in Relationships

This is a great day to set up a new tradition of gratitude in this season. Every day of the season, name something that you are grateful for that happened this year. Some of the time, focus on the couple relationship or your partner in your gratitude. Decide together to do some things for others that affirms your own multiple blessings this year. When you are grocery shopping (my cart is usually very full when buying family Christmas meals, an indication of lots of blessings), buy an extra something and put it in the food boxes that take collections at this time of the year. Put a quarter in the parking meter to help out the next person. When you get a coffee, think of someone else who might like one. Leave muffins for the custodians who clean your office. Look at how some little things, done from the heart might really cheer your mate. For instance, fill their car with gas, vacuum their car out for the season, make their favourite meal. You will be surprised at the change in your own mood and the climate of your day and relationships. I know people who do this on a regular bases and just thinking about them right now brings a smile to my face. These activities must be done with an open heart and come from the knowledge of the fullness of life you have experienced over the year. Try this, even if it is just around the dinner table. Go forth and be wonderful – I am cheering you on!